Romance in the Asylum

Friday, June 01, 2007


I'm not sure I like the name pity. That'll change.

I want to add texture and a background.
Lately I've ben finding my ability is falling far short of my ambitions so hopefully I can pull off what I have in mind.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Every drawing session I've attempted this month has ended in frustration and torn paper.
Even simple drawings seem too difficult.

I also need to find a new job.

Not happy.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I've got my fists, I've got my plan, I've got survivalisim

Drawering Exermacises!

I really, really, desperately need to learn anatomy and how to color theory.

Monday, March 12, 2007

What happened to Asylum_360?

Why haven't there been any updates?
Frustration, mostly. I'm not happy with the way the series story was going and feel as if I backed myself into a corner. That's pretty much why "Carter's Story" hasn't been updated in over a year.
Another reason I haven't been updating is because I feel that my artistic abilities have stagnated and I have about five years of bad habits to fix. This means I'm probably going to have to take some courses to refresh myself on all the fundamentals of drawing, all the basics like perspective, anatomy, textures... all the stuff I should have learnt and practiced years ago.

As far as immediate-future updates are concerned, I might just be doing some drawing exercises. I'm starting to enjoy using color, which is something that's always been intimidating to me (Even as a child I had a real aversion to pencil crayons. What kind of artist doesn't know how to color with pencil crayons?).
Maybe I'll do more "unrelated" posts as I have more freedom to make funny looking, single image artistic crap.
I might be doing a fair bit of that this year instead of coherant comics, but it's hard to say as my mood swings manicly and everyday I have a "Great new idea" that I loose interest in by the time I get home from work.

Maybe I just need to re-medicate myself.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

You'll take sick and die one of these days

I drew this comic while listening to this.

Also, I bought The Eldar Scrolls: Oblivion and am rather enjoying it, which is odd because I generally hate doing earands for people. In it's essance Oblivion is honestly nothing but Sim earand boy. People just literarily walk off the street and demand shit of you.
Would you do this? Would you ask some complete stranger to save your husband from bandits? Would you causally ask the person next to you on the bus if they could kill a large beast and bring you it's hide so you can make nice boots? What the hell.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Send Help.

What the hell do cartoonists do for work when they arn't making money cartooning?

These past few months have been probably the most depressing of my life. To recap; I lost my graphic design job and ended up taking as locksmithing apprenticeship, which is turning out to be a huge mistake. I'm under-paid, my training has been of the "Figure it out on your own, stop bothering me" variety, and I really don't fit in with the rest of the people there.
So now my options are:
A. Quit, find crappy part time and hope cartooning takes off
B. Suffer
3. Go back to school.

I'm going to be looking into 3 tomorrow. NAIT is having an open house and showcasing their design courses. I hear they have a high post-grad employment rate, so maybe some good will come out of this.

We'll see tommorow.

Everything is passing

Yay. Comic.

Friday, February 02, 2007

First "Official" post: It's all down hill from here.

Let's start with a picture that I like, that I'm thinking about submitting to Whiplash Magazine